Get the latest metal prices with Scraplocal

Be ahead of the rest and keep updated on the latest prices for your scrap metal in your local area. We’ll keep you in the loop and find out the best time to sell!

Keep notified of current scrap metal trends

Staying informed about the latest trends in scrap metal is crucial as a stakeholder of the metal waste industry. Whether you’re a metal collector, tradesman or manufacturer, being aware of the current market conditions and technological advancements can greatly impact your bottom line.

Find the best scrap metal prices in your local area

Why spend time ringing around different scrapyards to get a price for your metal when you can get a quick and easy quote from ScrapLocal. Partnering with a network of scrapyards across the UK we can help you source the latest prices for scrap metal in your local area.

Get a Scrap Car Quote

We have hundreds of scrap car buyers waiting to buy your scrap car.