How To Find A Local London Scrap Yard

Are you looking for a local London scrapyard to scrap a car, find car parts or sell some scrap metal?

Scrap Local’s guide uncovers key information to keep you well-informed on how to find the right type of London scrap yards for your needs.

From car scrap yards, vehicle recyclers and scrap metal dealers, All is not lost on our approved network!

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Types Of London Scrap Yards

There are many types of London Scrapyards to choose from. However, choosing the right one for your needs is key.

Particular car scrap yards, for example, may scrap cars and provide parts, whereas a breakers yard would typically specialise in used parts.

In addition, you may find that a scrap metal yard, especially one that deals with non-ferrous, only recycles metal waste.

London is a vast and diverse city, and with government targets to reduce waste in other forms such as household, plastic and WEE, it’s great to see that there are also select scrapyards in London that specialise in plastic recycling, Household and E-waste and even cardboard and paper.

So, as you can see, the options are endless!

To summarise, the key types of London scrap yards are:

  • London Scrap Yards

    London Scrapyards are traditional businesses that may be cars, metal, or sell parts. Sometimes, they do all 3!

    Although this is rare.

  • London Car Scrap Yards

    Car scrapyards typically buy end-of-life vehicles but may also sell quality used car parts.

  • Breakers Yard In London

    Car breakers in London sell various used parts for cars, vans and 4x4s.

    In addition, they may buy scrap and salvage cars for Breaking.

  • Scrap Metal Yard

    The scrap metal yard in London consists of those that buy non-ferrous and ferrous scrap metal waste. Some only do one or the other, with others doing both.

  • Plastic, Cardboard/Paper and WEE / E-Waste Recycling Yard

    Specialist scrap yards in London may also recycle Plastic waste, cardboard and paper as well as WEE waste (Fridges) and E-WASTE (Computers and I.T. Equipment)

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Selling Your Car To A London Scrap Yard

Looking To Sell a Car to a London Scrap Yard.

Let’s break down the types of cars to scrap and the specialist methods of selling a car or van across the London area.

  • End-of-Life Vehicles

    End-of-life vehicles, consisting of cars, vans and 4x4s, are typically classed as waste and will only be scrapped, compared to a car which can be broken for parts.

    These vehicles are typically collected, scrapped and recycled at an A.T.F. facility.

  • Salvage Vehicles

    Salvage vehicles are typically younger than eight years and are considered salvageable for key components or hold some resale value.

    These vehicles can include non-runner cars, broken, damaged, or now classed as faulty cars due to electrical faults.

    In addition, certain vehicles are on finance, such as insurance write-offs. Insurance write-off vehicles can be classified as those with a category that includes category N and Cat S cars for sale.

    Selling your salvage car in London requires a specialist type of dealer, where car breakers and damaged car buyers can be your saviour.

    However, this can come with issues with finding trustworthy buyers.

    Luckily, Scrap Local removes this barrier of doubt due to only working with approved, licensed and trusted salvage car dealers.

  • Bus, Campervan and HGV Scrap Vehicles

    A small niche, mainly scrap yards in London, deals with and accepts Bus and Campervan and HGV’s for sale.

    These vehicles require special transportation for recovery, so not all London scrapyards pay and take them away.

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Sell Scrap Metal To London Scrap Metal Collectors

Selling scrap metal waste requires A London Scrap Metal Yard.

The latest scrap metal prices, and quantity and quality are all factors here.

London scrap yards for metal typically consist of 3 types. These are

  • Scrap Metal Dealers

    Scrap Metal Dealers buy ferrous and non-ferrous waste or may only deal with one or the other.

    These types of scrap metal merchants often provide a free collection service and will pay the latest scrap metal prices for your metal.

    However, this is dependent on the amount, quality and local market rates.

  • Scrap Metal Collectors

    Scrap Metal Collectors are often called ”tatters” in the trade.

    These usually collect metal waste for free, ranging from household items to commercial and business removal services.

    Again, they may only offer a free collection service or price for your items, depending on the quantity and quality of your scrap metal.

  • Scrap Metal Yard

    A scrap metal yard is a fully-fledged facility that collects and accepts delivery of scrap metal waste for recycling.

    This A.T.F. often has a weighbridge scale for people to weigh and get paid for their metal waste.

    Again, some only deal with ferrous scrap metal – Typically Iron or Non-Ferrous – Such as Copper, Brass or Lead.

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Finding Used Car Parts In London

Trying to find used car parts in London?

A local breaker in London or a car breaker is what you need!

  • These can consist of used cars, vans and 4×4 parts dealt by breakers across the more expansive London areas.
  • Specific car breakers in London may only deal with car parts, whilst some may also deal with van and 4×4 parts. A select few may specialise in particular brands, such as German and Japanese vehicles, with an even select few offering auto parts for buses, HGV and unique cars.
  • A relatively straightforward process, sourcing quality used parts from London car breakers typically involved a phone call to enquire about the part available.

In addition, many breakers yards list their latest stock on their website or eBay store. Many, if not all, will provide delivery across London.

Sourcing car parts with London Car breakers is that easy!

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London And The ULEZ Scrappage Scheme Grant

With the latest London Scrappage scheme and grant, many vehicle owners require a London Car Scrapyard or Authorised treatment facility (A.T.F. for short)

  • As per T.F.L.’s guidelines, the scrapyards or A.T.F.s must be licenced.
  • As such, Scrap Local recommends that if you are scrapping a car as part of the ULEZ grant, then asking for this information is key.

Verified listings can display their S.M.D. and A.T.F. badges on the Scrap Local network.

Subsequently, the London scrap yards and vehicle recyclers we work with are licenced and can provide a Certificate of Destruction upon request.

Want to remove the hassle and haggle of qualifying potential buyers of your car for the ULEZ Scheme?

Let us help!

Looking for London Scrap Yards? Look No Further

We hope you can find a suitable London scrap yard by now.

From removing some metal waste or finding a used car part, our award-winning network makes the quest to meet your recycling needs easy.

Head over to our scrap yard directory to start your journey of success with London Scrap Yards!

Questions On London Scrap Yards

Here are some of our popular questions on London Scrap Yards.

  • What are the different types of London scrap yards available?

    London offers a diverse range of scrap yards, including car scrap yards, breakers yards, scrap metal yards, and even recycling yards for plastics, cardboard, paper, and WEE/E-Waste.

  • Can you provide information on selling end-of-life vehicles in London?

    Certainly! We break down the process of selling end-of-life vehicles, salvage vehicles, and even specialised vehicles like buses, campervans, and HGVs to scrap yards in London.

  • How can I sell scrap metal in London?

    To sell scrap metal waste in London, you can choose from scrap metal dealers and scrap metal collectors. These can be ferrous or non-ferrous dealers.

  • Where can I find used car parts in London?

    If you’re in search of used car parts in London, we recommend reaching out to local breakers in London.

    They offer a wide range of parts for various vehicle types and even provide delivery services.

  • What's the ULEZ Scrappage Scheme in London, and how can I benefit from it?

    Discover the latest information on the ULEZ Scrappage Scheme and how London Car Scrapyards or Authorised Treatment Facilities (A.T.F.s) are crucial in helping you take advantage of this grant.

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