How Do Insurance Write Off Categories Work?​

Insurance write-offs are vehicles that have suffered an accident or sustained damage where the vehicle is seen as unsafe to drive back on the road.

A vehicle that is damaged and the costs exceed its worth is classed as ‘Beyond Economic Repair’.

An insurance company will conduct an inspection of the vehicle. If the damage and predicted cost exceed 60% of the value of the car, the insurance company will class this as beyond repair and will assign a category.

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2022 Insurance Write-Off Categories Changes​

Insurance writes off categories were updated in 2017 under the salvage code.

The revised categories are now classed as:

Cat A: Scrap Vehicles
Cat B: Break Vehicles
Cat S: Structure Damaged Repairable. 
Cat N: Non-Structurally Damaged Repairable.

Under the new categories, more clarity is provided to consumers on what can and cannot be put back on the roads to drive, eliminating dodgy dealers in the process.

Category A Insurance Write-Off​

The cat A category is for vehicles that are so badly damaged that they are required by law to be crushed, never to appear on UK roads. 

Vehicles commonly classed as Category A are those that have been involved in severe fires and floods.

Cat A Cars will be written off completely by your insurance provider.

These vehicles are only suitable for scrap and cannot be salvaged for parts. Everything from the gearbox, engine, alloys and gear knob have to be scrapped as they are now classed as waste. 

Category B Write-Offs

A category B write off is a vehicle that has been severely damaged and is broken beyond repair.

These faulty vehicles are not legally allowed to be driven back on the road however unlike a Cat A vehicle, they can be salvageable for parts.

Although key components such as the engine, gearbox and clutch can be broken down, the vehicle’s shell must be scrapped.

Category S Vehicles​

Replacing Category C in 2017, A Cat S vehicle is one that has received structural damage to the chassis body. 

This is due to major damages to the cars ‘crumple zone’, which is a safety feature located near the rear of a vehicle and is designed to crush on the impact of a powerful collision. 

Cat S Vehicles have to be repaired professionally in order to be driven back on UK roads. Such repairs affect how much the car is worth.

Category N Write-Offs

Non-structural damaged vehicles are classed as Cat N, which replaced the previous Category D Vehicle.

Such damages can be electrical or cosmetic that are assessed as not the most economical to repair. 

Often seen as safer than any other category, a Cat N vehicle whilst structurally safe, could have non-structural faults to parts that may make the car unsafe to drive in the future. 

Such damages can affect the steering and brakes so it’s important to assess the longevity of the vehicle.

If your vehicle has been involved in your accident, Insurance providers will offer different insurance finance for category write-offs.

Generally, this can be broken down into the following:

Buying Back Insurance On A Write Off

You must contact your insurance ASAP to buy back your write-off.  You have to buy back the insurance write-off before accepting any payout in compensation.  Once the payout has been accepted the insurance provider will take ownership of the write-off and can even refuse to give you your vehicle back!

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