How To Find A Local Scrap Yard Near Me

Have you been asking yourself ‘’Where Can I Find a Local Scrapyard Near Me’?’

It’s a question many people ask, especially when there are many types of scrapyards to choose from.

Luckily, Scrap Local’s quick guide on choosing the right scrapyard should help you in your journey; especially if you’re looking to scrap a car, scrap metal or find quality used car parts.

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The Different Types Of Scrapyards

There are many types of scrapyards to choose from.

These can be categorised as the following scrapyards, which include:

  • Car Scrapyard

    A Car Scrapyard typically only disposes of end-of-life vehicles These types of scrap yards are also authorised treatment facilities, which means they have an ELV (end-of-life vehicle) de-pollution bay.

    Some of these local scrap yards will offer a standard collection of your vehicle and will assist with the vehicle recycling process of paperwork and documentation.

    Not all car scrap yards will sell used car parts, so it’s essential to clarify this if you are looking for car parts.

  • Scrap Metal Yard

    Scrap Metal Yards, are local scrap metal dealers that deal solely in both ferrous and non-ferrous metal.

    Scrap metal yards also provide the latest scrap metal prices, and can offer a collection of your metal waste for both residential and commercial trade.

  • Breakers Yard

    A breakers yard, or car breaker as they’re known, deals with the sale and salvage of car parts and vehicles.

    They focus mainly on selling used car parts off the shelf, with many offering delivery nationwide.

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Do All Scrap Yards Buy Car Parts?

As mentioned, not all local scrap yards sell car parts.

A scrap yard that mainly disposes of end-of-life vehicles will only scrap cars, whereas a car scrap yard can provide both services.

Scrap metal yards only deal with metal waste, and some local scrap metal dealers may only deal with ferrous and non-ferrous items.

Breaker’s yards typically do not deal with scrap metal and mainly focus on selling car parts or offering car salvage.

As such, it’s important to note that all scrapyards sell used car parts and to find a particular part you should consider ringing a local breakers yard or specialist breaker.

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What Types Of Metal Do Scrap Yards Accept?

Not all scrap yards accept scrap metal.

  • Most scrap metal yards will provide a collection of your waste, however, this is dependent on the amount of scrap metal you have.
  • This is why for certain scrap metal items, such as a garage or boastful of mixed waste, you would better choose a local scrap metal collector.
  • Often called tatters, this scrap man (or woman) will cover your local area, providing free scrap metal collection from your home – Saving you a trip to the local recycling centre!

Also, it’s important to note that certain scrap metal yards only deal with ferrous, and non-ferrous as well as accept Hazardous or WEE Waste.

Certain items may also incur a charge. These can include a fridge freezer, gas bottles and tv/monitors. This is due to the fact gas bottles need to be de-gassed and tv monitors contain chemicals which may not be handled by the metal recycler.

As you can see, it’s not so simple when choosing a local scrapyard to sell your metal, hazardous or WEE waste.

Hopefully, this explains the difference and what to search for when looking to book a collection.

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Can I Sell My Car To A Scrapyard?

Yes, you can indeed sell a car to a scrapyard.

Most scrap yards are authorised treatment facilities, which allows them to correctly recycle your car or van.

However, certain scrap yards may only provide a base price for your vehicle, and may not collect as quickly.

Due to this, you may be suited to turn to a specialised type of scrap car buyer, which includes:

  • Scrap car dealersScrap car dealers, or scrap car buyers as they are sometimes called, offer a fast, local collection of vehicles. They can provide quick payment and assist with any of the paperwork. Some people prefer to choose scrap car dealers when selling their cars as they are typically a lot quicker to respond. Many can have their car collected and paid for the same day, with some offering collections within the hour!
  • Salvage car buyer – A salvage car buyer can be classed as a damaged car buyer. These types of dealers specialise in late/modern salvage vehicles which are younger than 8 years of age. Due to this, they can sometimes provide a better than scrap price and will help you receive a better price for your vehicle than just sending it to the shredder. Moreover, salvage car dealers may also deal with faulty cars, insurance write-offs and cars on finance, which for some other buyers, may be an issue.
  • Car breaker – Car breakers, or car salvage dealers, also buy scrap and salvage vehicles. They can repurpose or dismantle your vehicle, paying a little more than scrap. They can also offer a faster collection and provide quick payment for your vehicle.

So, when looking to sell a car to a scrapyard, find a suitable buyer so you can receive the best price and service locally. 

Scrap Local’s mission is the connect producers of scrap metal waste and end-of-life vehicles to trusted recyclers locally. Our award-winning network of 3,000 listings (which include car scrapyards, breakers yards and scrap metal dealers) was built on the foundations of supporting local businesses, contributing to the local and circular economy of recycling. This, in turn, allows the likes of anyone, both as a customer or business, to service the recycling industry with complete convenience, trust and transparency.

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Find The Right Scrapyard For You Today!

We hope you’re now clear on what local scrap yard you require.

Whether you’re looking to scrap or salvage a vehicle, find used car parts or scrap some metal waste, a recycler is available and ready to help!

Scrap Local’s mission is to connect producers of scrap metal waste and end-of-life vehicles to locally trusted recycles.

Our award-winning network of 3,000 listings (including car scrapyards, breakers yards and scrap metal dealers) was built on the foundations of supporting local businesses, contributing to the local and circular recycling economy.

This, in turn, allows the likes of anyone, both as a customer or business, to service the recycling industry with complete convenience, trust and transparency.

So, what are you waiting for? Find a local scrapyard today and get one step closer to finding recycling easily.

Questions On Finding A Local Scrapyard
  • What are the different types of scrapyards available?
    • Car Scrapyard: Car scrapyards are authorised treatment facilities and specialize in disposing of end-of-life vehicles. They offer vehicle collection and assist with recycling, paperwork, and documentation.

    Note: Not all car scrapyards sell used car parts.

    • Scrap Metal Yard: Scrap metal yards deal exclusively with ferrous and non-ferrous metals. They provide the latest scrap metal prices and offer collection services for both residential and commercial trade.
    • Breakers Yard: Breakers yards, also known as car breakers, focus on selling used car parts and salvaging vehicles. They specialize in selling off-the-shelf used car parts, with many offering nationwide delivery.
  • Do all scrap yards sell car parts?

    No, not all local scrap yards sell car parts. The type of scrap yard determines the services they offer:

    • Scrap yards that mainly handle end-of-life vehicles only scrap cars.
    • Car scrap yards can provide both car scrapping and car parts services.
    • Scrap metal yards deal exclusively with metal waste and may focus on ferrous and non-ferrous items.
    • Breakers yards primarily focus on selling car parts or offering car salvage and do not typically deal with scrap metal

    To find a specific car part, it is recommended to contact a local breakers yard or a specialist breaker.

  • What types of metal do scrap yards accept?

    Scrap yards do not accept all types of metal. Here are some important points to consider:

    • Most scrap metal yards accept metal waste, but the acceptance may depend on the quantity you have.
    • For specific items like mixed waste or larger quantities, it is advisable to contact a local scrap metal collector, also known as a “tatter,” who offers free scrap metal collection from your home, saving you a trip to the recycling center.
    • Certain scrap metal yards specialize in either ferrous or non-ferrous metals, while some accept hazardous or WEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) waste.
    • Ferrous metal waste typically contains steel or iron, while non-ferrous metals do not contain iron or steel. Examples of non-ferrous metals include copper, brass, and aluminum.
    • Hazardous waste requires handling by an approved, licensed waste carrier.
    • Some items like fridge freezers, gas bottles, and TV/monitors may incur charges due to the need for specific handling procedures, such as degassing gas bottles or dealing with chemicals in TV monitors.

    Choosing a local scrapyard for selling your metal, hazardous waste, or WEE waste requires consideration of these factors.

  • Can I sell my car to a scrapyard?

    Yes, you can sell your car to a scrapyard. Here are some options to consider:

    1. Scrap car dealers: These buyers specialize in purchasing cars for scrap. They offer fast, local collection services, quick payment, and assistance with paperwork. They can often collect and pay for your car on the same day, with some even offering collections within the hour.
    2. Salvage car buyers: These buyers focus on late/modern salvage vehicles that are less than 8 years old. They may offer a better price than scrap value and can help you get a higher price for your vehicle compared to sending it to the shredder. Salvage car buyers may also deal with insurance write-offs and financed cars.
    3. Car breakers or salvage dealers: These buyers purchase both scrap and salvage vehicles. They can dismantle or repurpose your car and typically pay slightly more than scrap value. They often provide faster collection services and quick payment.

    When selling your car to a scrapyard, it’s important to find a suitable buyer who can offer the best price and service locally. Consider your specific needs and preferences when choosing the right option for selling your car.

  • How can i find a local scrapyard near me?

    Whether youre looking to scrap metal, find used car parts or scrap a car, our network can help.

    Find a local scrapyard on our network tody and get one step closer to finding recycling easily.

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