Steel Turnings To Scrap?

Scrap Local is proud to work with metal dealers who offer the best scrap steel prices for ferrous swarf.

What Are Steel Turnings?

Steel turnings are the leftover slithers of metal you’ll find after cutting steel blocks with a milling or drilling machine.

This grade of scrap metal can also be called chips, swarf, filings and shavings.

Whilst turnings are too small to be reused, they are ideal for scrap!

See how much you could make from your scrap steel turnings by submitting an enquiry to Scrap Local’s specialists.

Current Price Of Scrap Steel Turnings

Scrap Local features reputable scrap yards on our network who offer the most up to date scrap steel turning prices.

Most of our metal dealers will use the points listed below to generate a current scrap price for your unused scrap steel swarf:

  • The amount of steel turnings you have for scrap
  • Current supply and demand for this metal grade

See how much you could make from your metal waste swarf by submitting an enquiry to our trusted team.

We’ll connect you with a scrap yard that covers your area and specialises in scrap steel prices.

Find a Scrapyard to Buy Your Scrap Steel Turnings

Places To Find Steel Turnings

Turnings can be found in industries which manufacture steel products and appliances.

This grade of metal can only be achieved by cutting blocks of steel with a turning, drilling or milling machine.

Despite their small size, these bits of metal can be sold for a decent scrap price with most scrap yards.

Steel turnings are typically contaminated with coolant which is used to cool down the metal whilst it is being cut with a drill or milling machine. If your factory is producing steel swarf, it is advisable to drain the coolant to avoid unnecessary deductions from the price of your scrap steel turnings as this liquid incurs unnecessary costs for scrapyards that will be passed on to you.

Customers Who Have Steel Turnings To Scrap?

People who manufacture steel-based products and appliances will encounter turnings on a daily basis.

There is almost always some money to be made from machining scrap and it’s a good idea to clear your workshop floor and sell the swarf you’ve accumulated.

Submit your details to our network and we’ll direct your enquiry to a scrap metal dealer near you who can help.

FAQs about Steel Turnings

  • What do steel turnings look like?

    Steel turnings are small but sharp slithers of metal. They have a curled appearance and can even resemble a scouring pad when clumped together.

    As their name suggests, this kind of steel swarf is produced during a machine process called turning.

    Filings, chips and shavings are alternative names for this grade of metal.

  • How should I handle steel turnings?

    Most machinists will receive standard training on how to handle steel turnings, but for those who are unfamiliar here is what you should do:

    • Always wear gloves and protective clothing when dealing with steel swarf.
    • Protect your face and eyes with goggles and a face shield.
    • Store steel turnings in secure containers and don’t mix them with other types of metal swarf.

    Steel turnings are extremely sharp and can cause serious injuries to the eyes and skin if they’re not handled correctly.

  • Where can I sell my steel turnings?

    You can sell steel turnings to a scrap yard or metal dealer in your area.

    As the UK’s fastest growing network for all things scrap, Scrap Local is proud to connect customers with professional recyclers who specialise in ferrous metals, offer current scrap steel prices and cover different parts of the UK.

    Submit an enquiry to find a scrap yard near you today!

Other Grades
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Chrome Iron

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New Production Cuttings

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Steel Cuttings

On a manufacturing line, steel sheets are cut by a laser. New production cuttings are the leftover sheets of steel created from this process.

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Plates & Girders

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Old Steel Scrap

Old steel scrap is a grade of ferrous metal waste. Old steel scrap will either be classed as no.1 or no.2 by a metal dealer.

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